A sustainable integrated flood management and emergency response system throughout California that improves public safety, protects and enhances environmental and cultural resources, and supports economic growth by reducing the probability of destructive floods, promoting beneficial floodplain processes, and lowering the damages caused by flooding.
The State of California voters approved approximately $5B to be used to accomplish five primary things:
Unfortunately, the expectations of the voters and the politicians were well-ahead of DWR’s ability to execute — as the state had chronically under-funded flood management, and the organizational readiness needed bolstering. In addition, FloodSAFE crossed divisional boundaries throughout DWR, and the department had historically not delivered massive programs in an integrated manner. As such, the department needed to realign itself into a program-based organizational model to deliver FloodSAFE in the most effective, efficient manner.
Acting as a sub-contractor to Synergy Connects, Inc. (a project delivery-focused professional services firm head by Dave Ellison), during 2006 – 2009 R S Tipton, Inc. provided leadership and direct consulting services related to strategic planning, conflict resolution, team chartering, leadership team alignment, strategic communication and public relations, bond accountability, and overall quality assurance / quality control.
The overall benefits to the State of California taxpayers have been significant: clear communication, specific accountability for funding, unambiguous roles and responsibilities, mutually-agreed upon priorities and schedules, etc. Direct benefits total in the millions of dollars saved.
Most recently, the FloodSAFE program was directly responsible for the highly-successful flood protection and responses to the 2017 flood events in the Central Valley of California.
2006 - 2009