Healthier teams are better performing teams

Your Team Health and Performance Rating is: “Program-Centered;” meaning your team is both healthy and productive.


That said – there can be more!

Program-Centered Team Characteristics:

    • Clear and consistent roles / responsibilities
    • An attitude of “do whatever it takes” is common
    • Preferred outcomes are regularly achieved
    • Cross-organization benefits are prioritized
    • Formal project management is expected
    • Continuous improvement is eagerly anticipated
    • Trust and respect are visible team assets
    • Team members aligned around common vision

What does this mean:

Program-Centered teams understand and implement the benefits associated with cross-project, cross-team, cross-organizational processes, procedures, roles, responsibilities, and decision-making approaches. These kinds of teams work to look around corners and over hills to anticipate challenges and opportunities, and look to maximize outcomes from a big picture perspective. Program-Centered teams are also professionally and personally satisfying to their members.


Moving to the next step:

Teams choose to move to Step 5 (Resilient and Adaptable) when they’re ready to move toward self-managing, fluid, and adaptable working environments. Systems and processes are optimized toward strategic, organizationally-focused outcomes — and trust, respect, and psychological safety are pervasive. The team is ready to embody the pinnacle of team health and performance represented by resilient and adaptable team characteristics.

Ready to take action?

Schedule a brief diagnostic review with Team Tipton:

Learn more about how to improve your team performance and experience:


    • Pervasive and authentic personal accountability
    • Fluid, dynamic approaches to anticipating and delivering work
    • World-class, exemplary results

During this 20-minute diagnostic review, Team Tipton will walk through our insights based on your Team Health and Performance Diagnostic results.


We’ll explore possible paths forward and discuss specific ways we can help increase your team’s health and performance by building layers of resilience and adaptability on top of the streamlined systems, tools, and processes you’ve already developed in the high-performing culture and work environment you enjoy.

Healthy companies, we know, dramatically outperform their peers. The proof is strong—the top quartile of publicly traded companies in McKinsey’s Organizational Health Index (OHI) delivers roughly three times the returns to shareholders as those in the bottom quartile. (McKinsey and Co.)