07 Nov Kicking Off the “What’s Right, not Who’s Right” Movement!
The nature and volume of conflict in our world right now can feel paralyzing. We believe that the skills and practices in this book are the keys that can lead us away from the toxic and divisive speech on our screens, in our papers and across our fences, and toward understanding, connection and new pathways forward.
“Far too much time and energy are wasted in the world today because we are mired in endless debates about who’s right while bickering, politicking, and posturing. It’s such a waste because there’s a completely different approach available to us-a simple shift, a change of thought pattern and behavior that has the potential to end the world’s madness, to heal our relationships, and to regain our humanity (both individually and collectively).
“It’s available-right now. If we’ll only look.
“No, it’s not some utopian mumbo jumbo, some ‘Stepford Wives-esque,’ robotic approach to shutdown conflict and to make people go along. And no, it’s not some religion, doctrine, dogma, or chemical. No drugs, no brainwashing, no requirements to ‘be saved.’
“It’s something very, very different.
“It’s this: let’s focus on ‘what’s right’ instead of ‘who’s right.'”
Over the last seven months, we have been writing about the Seven Beliefs of a Transformational Change Leader, and offering you stories and glimpses into the lives of leaders who put those beliefs into practice. Our hope was to make them feel tangible and achievable, and that their stories would extend their energy as inspiration and motivation to you.
We’re going to shift, now, to talking about Bob’s newest book What’s Right, Not Who’s Right. It’s both because we believe that this book is a useful supplement to anyone who experiences conflict in their lives (hint: that’s everyone), and because the nature and volume of conflict in our nation right now can feel paralyzing. We believe that the skills and practices in this book are the keys that can lead us away from the toxic and divisive speech on our screens, in our papers and across our fences, and toward understanding, connection and new pathways forward.
Please take a moment to watch the video trailer for the book, featuring Bob talking about why he feels that re-connecting with and strengthening our ability to focus on what is right, rather than trying to prove who is right, is how to get all of us past this moment of division and towards something better. We are seeing now more than ever that the political is the personal, and if we can communicate better in our homes, our neighborhoods and our workplaces, perhaps we can influence our leaders to communicate better across the aisles.
Over the next several installments, we’ll be not only highlighting stories and suggestions included in Bob’s book, but we’ll also be sharing ideas for how you can begin to change the conversations in your department, your organization, and even in your personal lives. After all – when we shift to a focus on “what’s right,” everything changes – for the better. We look forward to hearing your stories as well!
All our best,
Team Tipton
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