20 Oct It’s Official — We Are a Certified B Corporation!
It’s with enormous pride that we announce Team Tipton has officially received our B-Corp certification. That means we’re committed to sustainability in all of our business practices, from the way we hire and retain employees to the way we think about and track our environmental impact.
To learn more about why we decided to apply for B-Corp certification, look back at our May blog post, “Radiate Passion for the Purpose.”
Gaining the certification required a top-to-bottom audit of the way we do business, an undertaking we prioritized because we believe deeply in the values of sustainability and we wanted to make them a permanent part of our everyday practice. Thankfully, we had the guidance and support of Audrey Cruz, a student from the University of Colorado Denver Business School, to guide our way. She’s now a Senior Change Architect on Team Tipton because when we meet amazing people we make an effort to keep them around.
“I’m obsessed with B-Corps,” she says, “It’s not just for companies working for the environment or corporations with a supply chain. The B-Corps assessment is a holistic, comprehensive look at how we sustain companies, all companies, over the long term. This includes organizational governance, employee relations, service to our communities, and environmental responsibility.”
Audrey spent 15 years in non-profits and governmental agencies, and she went to business school to learn how to address the challenges she saw in terms of management, measuring and achieving systemic change, and creating strategic sustainability.
Audrey says, “Companies need revenue in order to operate, but I firmly believe that profit does not need to be the only bottom line. Being profitable and being a company that benefits the greater good should not be mutually exclusive. To me, B-Corps are an excellent solution to many of the challenges we face in society and our world today.”
She describes working with Team Tipton on the certification process as putting together pieces of a puzzle that were already there, “Team Tipton already had sustainability practices in place, but they came about organically. For us, it was a matter of naming them, writing them down, and creating policies and procedures to ensure they would be ingrained over time.” As a B-Corp, Team Tipton is committed to doing good, and doing it well. “It’s about integrity,” Audrey says, “As a consumer, I want to know that a company whose products and services I purchase aligns with my values. I want them to practice what they preach. That’s what B-Corps are about, and that’s what Team Tipton does.”
To learn more about Team Tipton’s assessment, please view our B-Corp public profile HERE. You’ll be able to see how we scored in all five assessment categories.
All our best,
Team Tipton
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